
Empowering Education Through Innovative Active Learning

Unlock the full potential of your educational institution with DreamShaper, the ultimate. Learning Experience Tool designed to revolutionize the way students learn and engage. With DreamShaper, you can seamlessly introduce and scale high-quality active methodologies and project-based learning, creating an environment where innovation and creativity thrive.

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100% Responsive Tool

What does the DreamShaper do?

Boost your students’ autonomy with DreamShaper’s tailored Learning Paths, designed to foster an active and participatory educational approach.

Our platform delivers high-quality outcomes and exceptional student engagement on a large scale, while providing real-time tracking of individual progress to ensure a personalized learning experience.

Seamlessly integrating with any existing Learning Management Systems (LMS), DreamShaper transforms education into an engaging, efficient, and impactful journey.

Adaptive Tool

DreamShaper main applications

Micro-certifications and Short Courses

Develop and deliver focused learning modules that provide specific skills and knowledge. Our solution supports flexible, customizable learning experiences that can be easily adapted to various educational contexts.

STEM Education

Implement innovative and engaging learning strategies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics courses. DreamShaper fosters analytical skills and practical application, preparing students for advanced studies and careers in STEM fields.

Interdisciplinary Projects

Facilitate collaborative projects that span multiple disciplines, encouraging students to integrate knowledge and skills from various fields to solve complex problems.

Theses and Final Projects

Guide students through the process of developing and completing significant academic projects. DreamShaper supports autonomy and methodological rigor, ensuring high-quality outcomes and valuable learning experiences.

Vocational Training

Provide tailored learning paths that prepare students for specific careers and industries. Our solution supports practical, hands-on training that ensures students gain the skills needed for the workforce.

Corporate Training and Professional Development

Adapt our platform to support continuous learning and skills development in corporate settings. Provide employees with engaging, project-based learning experiences that enhance their professional growth and productivity.

  • Micro-certifications and Short Courses

    Develop and deliver focused learning modules that provide specific skills and knowledge. Our solution supports flexible, customizable learning experiences that can be easily adapted to various educational contexts.

  • STEM Education

    Implement innovative and engaging learning strategies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics courses. DreamShaper fosters analytical skills and practical application, preparing students for advanced studies and careers in STEM fields.

  • Interdisciplinary Projects

    Facilitate collaborative projects that span multiple disciplines, encouraging students to integrate knowledge and skills from various fields to solve complex problems.

  • Theses and Final Projects

    Guide students through the process of developing and completing significant academic projects. DreamShaper supports autonomy and methodological rigor, ensuring high-quality outcomes and valuable learning experiences.

  • Vocational Training

    Provide tailored learning paths that prepare students for specific careers and industries. Our solution supports practical, hands-on training that ensures students gain the skills needed for the workforce.

  • Corporate Training and Professional Development

    Adapt our platform to support continuous learning and skills development in corporate settings. Provide employees with engaging, project-based learning experiences that enhance their professional growth and productivity.

Instituições de Ensino líderes que ganharam uma aliada em experiência de aprendizagem ativa

  • Egas Moniz School
  • Unifor
  • Universidade de Nova Lisboa
  • UNDB Centro Universitário
  • Universidade Coimbra
  • Uniatenas
  • Santillana
  • Universidade de Vassouras
  • Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul
  • Uniube
  • Porto Editora
  • Faculdade de Ciências e Medicina
  • Anima Educação
  • Universidade Europeia
  • IESB Centro Universitário
  • Inacap
  • Grupo Tiradentes
  • FMU Centro Universitário
  • Rede UNIFTC
  • Fundação Gentulio Vargas
  • Universidad Siglo XXI

Why choose DreamShaper?

Talk to a specialist today!
Empower Your Students

DreamShaper transforms traditional education by placing students at the center of their learning journey. Our platform fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and real-world application, ensuring that students are not just passive recipients of information, but active participants in their education.

Innovative Learning Paths
Specialized Education Team
Proven Impact
Talk to a specialist today!
Artificial Intelligence

DreamShaper uses the latest technology to enhance learning

Corporate Education

Corporate Training and Professional Development


How do we support your institution?

Our DreamTeam supports educational institutions in over 54 countries by implementing active methodologies and systematizing project work in an innovative, scalable, and efficient manner.

We are global!

Student empowerment through pedagogical experiences

  • Impact of over1 Million

    Students only in the last 12 months

  • Trusted by over1.000

    Educational Institutions Worldwide

  • Reaching Students in54 Countries

    With key operations in Brazil, Latin America, and Europe

Our Awards:

GESAwards 2022
Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional
South Summit
Technology Fast50 2024
Europe Edtech 2023
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Cases reflecting our efficiency and innovation in learning

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